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Techno Economic Model


A key aim of the Community Heat Development Unit (CHDU) project is to identify locations in mainland Great Britain where it may be feasible to develop a centralised, low-carbon district heating network. This is achieved by completing a screening process which uses a techno economic model to estimate the technical and financial viability of a heat network at specific sites using parameters such as building density and heat demand. This article presents an interactive version of the CHDU techno economic model that is used in the site screening process.

CHDU Heat Network Configuration

The main features of the CHDU centralised district heat network configuration are listed below and described in detail alongside specific modelling assumptions in the Articles published on this site.

  • Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) selected to provide ~90% of the annual heat demand since they require less CAPEX and have less site specific requirements than other heat pump configurations e.g. ground source or water source.
  • Domestic properties are included in the networks considered by the CHDU project. We want to enable communities to decarbonise heating in their own homes using district heating, which is being largely overlooked by the UK Government.
  • Non-domestic properties are likely to needed as part of a viable heat network to act as anchor loads.
  • On-site renewable electricity generation reduces the costs of electricity used in the heat pumps compared to purchasing from the grid. Wind generation is of particular benefit due to the seasonal match between colder, windier weather and higher heat demand.
  • Large thermal storage tanks are easily included in a centralised heat network and enable more of the electricity generated on-site to be used by the heat pumps by decoupling heat generation and heat demand.
CHDU Interactive Techno Economic Model

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